
Source code for torcheeg.transforms.numpy.band_pyeeg

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, hann

import numpy as np

from ..base_transform import EEGTransform


def butter_bandpass(low_cut, high_cut, fs, order=3):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = low_cut / nyq
    high = high_cut / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
    return b, a

class BandTransform(EEGTransform):
    def __init__(self,
                 sampling_rate: int = 128,
                 order: int = 5,
                 band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {
                     "theta": [4, 8],
                     "alpha": [8, 14],
                     "beta": [14, 31],
                     "gamma": [31, 49]
                 apply_to_baseline: bool = False):
        super(BandTransform, self).__init__(apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline)
        self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
        self.order = order
        self.band_dict = band_dict

    def apply(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
        band_list = []
        for low, high in self.band_dict.values():
            c_list = []
            for c in eeg:
                b, a = butter_bandpass(low,
                c_list.append(self.opt(lfilter(b, a, c)))
            c_list = np.array(c_list)
        return np.stack(band_list, axis=-1)

    def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def repr_body(self) -> Dict:
        return dict(
            super().repr_body, **{
                'sampling_rate': self.sampling_rate,
                'order': self.order,
                'band_dict': {...}

def embed_seq(time_series, tau, embedding_dimension):
    if not type(time_series) == np.ndarray:
        typed_time_series = np.asarray(time_series)
        typed_time_series = time_series

    shape = (typed_time_series.size - tau * (embedding_dimension - 1),

    strides = (typed_time_series.itemsize, tau * typed_time_series.itemsize)

    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(typed_time_series,

[docs]class BandApproximateEntropy(BandTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the approximate entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandApproximateEntropy() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: M (int): A positive integer represents the length of each compared run of data. (default: :obj:`5`) R (float): A positive real number specifies a filtering level. (default: :obj:`5`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, M: int = 5, R: float = 1.0, sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandApproximateEntropy, self).__init__(sampling_rate=sampling_rate, order=order, band_dict=band_dict, apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.M = M self.R = R
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: N = len(eeg) Em = embed_seq(eeg, 1, self.M) A = np.tile(Em, (len(Em), 1, 1)) B = np.transpose(A, [1, 0, 2]) D = np.abs(A - B) # D[i,j,k] = |Em[i][k] - Em[j][k]| InRange = np.max(D, axis=2) <= self.R # Probability that random M-sequences are in range Cm = InRange.mean(axis=0) # M+1-sequences in range if M-sequences are in range & last values are close Dp = np.abs( np.tile(eeg[self.M:], (N - self.M, 1)) - np.tile(eeg[self.M:], (N - self.M, 1)).T) Cmp = np.logical_and(Dp <= self.R, InRange[:-1, :-1]).mean(axis=0) Phi_m, Phi_mp = np.sum(np.log(Cm)), np.sum(np.log(Cmp)) Ap_En = (Phi_m - Phi_mp) / (N - self.M) return Ap_En @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict(super().repr_body, **{'M': self.M, 'R': self.R})
[docs]class BandSampleEntropy(BandTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the sample entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandSampleEntropy() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: M (int): A positive integer represents the length of each compared run of data. (default: :obj:`5`) R (float): A positive real number specifies a filtering level. (default: :obj:`5`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, M: int = 5, R: float = 1.0, sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandSampleEntropy, self).__init__(sampling_rate=sampling_rate, order=order, band_dict=band_dict, apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.M = M self.R = R
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: N = len(eeg) Em = embed_seq(eeg, 1, self.M) A = np.tile(Em, (len(Em), 1, 1)) B = np.transpose(A, [1, 0, 2]) D = np.abs(A - B) InRange = np.max(D, axis=2) <= self.R np.fill_diagonal(InRange, 0) Cm = InRange.sum(axis=0) Dp = np.abs( np.tile(eeg[self.M:], (N - self.M, 1)) - np.tile(eeg[self.M:], (N - self.M, 1)).T) Cmp = np.logical_and(Dp <= self.R, InRange[:-1, :-1]).sum(axis=0) Samp_En = np.log(np.sum(Cm + 1e-100) / np.sum(Cmp + 1e-100)) return Samp_En @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict(super().repr_body, **{'M': self.M, 'R': self.R})
[docs]class BandSVDEntropy(BandTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the SVD entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandSVDEntropy() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: Tau (int): A positive integer represents the embedding time delay which controls the number of time periods between elements of each of the new column vectors. (default: :obj:`1`) DE (int): A positive integer represents the ength of the embedding dimension. (default: :obj:`1`) W (np.ndarray, optional): A list of normalized singular values of the embedding matrix (can be preset for speeding up). (default: :obj:`None`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, Tau: int = 1, DE: int = 1, W: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandSVDEntropy, self).__init__(sampling_rate=sampling_rate, order=order, band_dict=band_dict, apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.Tau = Tau self.DE = DE self.W = W
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: if self.W is None: Y = embed_seq(eeg, self.Tau, self.DE) W = np.linalg.svd(Y, compute_uv=0) W /= sum(W) # normalize singular values else: W = self.W return -1 * sum(W * np.log(W)) @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict(super().repr_body, **{ 'Tau': self.Tau, 'DE': self.DE, 'W': [...] })
[docs]class BandDetrendedFluctuationAnalysis(BandTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandDetrendedFluctuationAnalysis() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: Ave (float, optional): The average value of the time series. (default: :obj:`None`) L (List[np.array]): Box sizes to partition/slice/segment the integrated sequence into boxes. At least two boxes are needed, and it should be a list of integers in ascending order. (default: :obj:`np.array`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, Ave: Union[float, None] = None, L: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandDetrendedFluctuationAnalysis, self).__init__(sampling_rate=sampling_rate, order=order, band_dict=band_dict, apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.Ave = Ave self.L = L
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: eeg = np.array(eeg) if self.Ave is None: Ave = np.mean(eeg) else: Ave = self.Ave Y = np.cumsum(eeg) Y -= Ave if self.L is None: L = np.floor( len(eeg) * 1 / (2**np.array(list(range(4, int(np.log2(len(eeg))) - 4))))) else: L = self.L F = np.zeros(len(L)) for i in range(0, len(L)): n = int(L[i]) assert n, 'Time series is too short while the box length is too big.' for j in range(0, len(eeg), n): if j + n < len(eeg): c = list(range(j, j + n)) c = np.vstack([c, np.ones(n)]).T y = Y[j:j + n] F[i] += np.linalg.lstsq(c, y)[1] F[i] /= ((len(eeg) / n) * n) F = np.sqrt(F) Alpha = np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack([np.log(L), np.ones(len(L))]).T, np.log(F), rcond=None)[0][0] return Alpha @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict(super().repr_body, **{'Ave': self.Ave, 'L': [...]})
[docs]class BandHiguchiFractalDimension(BandTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the higuchi fractal dimension (HFD) of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandHiguchiFractalDimension() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: K_max (int): The max number of new self-similar time series applying Higuchi's algorithm. (default: :obj:`6`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, K_max: int = 6, sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandHiguchiFractalDimension, self).__init__(sampling_rate=sampling_rate, order=order, band_dict=band_dict, apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.K_max = K_max
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: L = [] x = [] N = len(eeg) for k in range(1, self.K_max): Lk = [] for m in range(0, k): Lmk = 0 for i in range(1, int(np.floor((N - m) / k))): Lmk += abs(eeg[m + i * k] - eeg[m + i * k - k]) Lmk = Lmk * (N - 1) / np.floor((N - m) / float(k)) / k Lk.append(Lmk) L.append(np.log(np.mean(Lk))) x.append([np.log(float(1) / k), 1]) (p, _, _, _) = np.linalg.lstsq(x, L, rcond=None) return p[0] @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict(super().repr_body, **{'K_max': self.K_max})
[docs]class BandHjorth(BandTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the hjorth mobility/complexity of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandHjorth() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: D (np.ndarray, optional): The first order differential sequence of the time series (can be preset for speeding up). (default: :obj:`None`) mode (str): Options include mobility, complexity, and both, which are used to calculate hjorth mobility, hjorth complexity, and concatenate the two, respectively. (default: :obj:`mobility`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, D: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, mode: str = 'mobility', sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandHjorth, self).__init__(sampling_rate=sampling_rate, order=order, band_dict=band_dict, apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.D = D self.mode = mode
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: if self.D is None: D = np.diff(eeg) D = D.tolist() else: D = self.D D.insert(0, eeg[0]) # pad the first difference D = np.array(D) n = len(eeg) M2 = float(sum(D**2)) / n TP = sum(np.array(eeg)**2) M4 = 0 for i in range(1, len(D)): M4 += (D[i] - D[i - 1])**2 M4 = M4 / n mobility = np.sqrt(M2 / TP) complexity = np.sqrt(float(M4) * TP / M2 / M2) if self.mode == 'mobility': return mobility elif self.mode == 'complexity': return complexity elif self.mode == 'both': return np.concatenate(mobility, complexity) else: raise NotImplementedError @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict(super().repr_body, **{'D': [...]})
[docs]class BandHurst(BandTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the hurst exponent of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandHurst() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) If the output H=0.5,the behavior of the EEG signals is similar to random walk. If H<0.5, the EEG signals cover less "distance" than a random walk, vice verse. .. automethod:: __call__ '''
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: eeg = np.array(eeg) N = eeg.size T = np.arange(1, N + 1) Y = np.cumsum(eeg) Ave_T = Y / T S_T = np.zeros(N) R_T = np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): S_T[i] = np.std(eeg[:i + 1]) eeg_T = Y - T * Ave_T[i] R_T[i] = np.ptp(eeg_T[:i + 1]) R_S = R_T / S_T R_S = np.log(R_S)[1:] n = np.log(T)[1:] A = np.column_stack((n, np.ones(n.size))) [m, c] = np.linalg.lstsq(A, R_S, rcond=None)[0] H = m return H
[docs]class BandPetrosianFractalDimension(BandTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the petrosian fractal dimension (PFD) of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandHiguchiFractalDimension() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: D (np.ndarray, optional): The first order differential sequence of the time series (can be preset for speeding up). (default: :obj:`None`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, D: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandPetrosianFractalDimension, self).__init__(sampling_rate=sampling_rate, order=order, band_dict=band_dict, apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.D = D
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def opt(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: if self.D is None: D = np.diff(eeg) D = D.tolist() else: D = self.D N_delta = 0 for i in range(1, len(D)): if D[i] * D[i - 1] < 0: N_delta += 1 n = len(eeg) return np.log10(n) / (np.log10(n) + np.log10(n / n + 0.4 * N_delta)) @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict(super().repr_body, **{'D': [...]})
def bin_power(X, band, sampling_rate): C = np.fft.fft(X) C = abs(C) power = np.zeros(len(band) - 1) for Freq_Index in range(0, len(band) - 1): Freq = float(band[Freq_Index]) Next_Freq = float(band[Freq_Index + 1]) power[Freq_Index] = sum( C[int(np.floor(Freq / sampling_rate * len(X))):int(np.floor(Next_Freq / sampling_rate * len(X)))]) power_ratio = power / sum(power) return power, power_ratio
[docs]class BandBinPower(EEGTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the power of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandBinPower() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: sampling_rate (int): The original sampling rate in Hz (default: :obj:`128`) order (int): The order of the filter. (default: :obj:`5`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandBinPower, self).__init__(apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate self.order = order self.band_dict = band_dict
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def apply(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: band_a_b_list = [] for band_a_b in self.band_dict.values(): band_a_b_list += band_a_b band = sorted(list(set(band_a_b_list))) c_list = [] for c in eeg: c_list.append(bin_power(c, band, self.sampling_rate)[1]) return np.array(c_list) @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict( super().repr_body, **{ 'sampling_rate': self.sampling_rate, 'order': self.order, 'band_dict': {...}, })
[docs]class BandSpectralEntropy(EEGTransform): r''' A transform method for calculating the spectral entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline. - Paper: Bao F S, Liu X, Zhang C. PyEEG: an open source python module for EEG/MEG feature extraction[J]. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2011, 2011. - URL: - Related Project: Please cite the above paper if you use this module. .. code-block:: python from torcheeg import transforms t = transforms.BandSampleEntropy() t(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape >>> (32, 4) Args: power_ratio (np.ndarray, optional): A list of normalized signal power in the set of sub-bands (can be preset for speeding up). (default: :obj:`None`) band_dict: (dict): Band name and the critical sampling rate or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (default: :obj:`{...}`) apply_to_baseline: (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (default: :obj:`False`) .. automethod:: __call__ ''' def __init__(self, power_ratio: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, sampling_rate: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = { "theta": [4, 8], "alpha": [8, 14], "beta": [14, 31], "gamma": [31, 49] }, apply_to_baseline: bool = False): super(BandSpectralEntropy, self).__init__(apply_to_baseline=apply_to_baseline) self.power_ratio = power_ratio self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate self.order = order self.band_dict = band_dict
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, eeg: np.ndarray, baseline: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r''' Args: eeg (np.ndarray): The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points]. baseline (np.ndarray, optional) : The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal. Returns: np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]: The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes. ''' return super().__call__(*args, eeg=eeg, baseline=baseline, **kwargs)
def apply(self, eeg: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: band_a_b_list = [] for band_a_b in self.band_dict.values(): band_a_b_list += band_a_b band = sorted(list(set(band_a_b_list))) c_list = [] for c in eeg: if self.power_ratio is None: power, power_ratio = bin_power(c, band, self.sampling_rate) else: power_ratio = self.power_ratio spectral_entropy = 0 for i in range(0, len(power_ratio) - 1): spectral_entropy += power_ratio[i] * np.log(power_ratio[i]) spectral_entropy /= np.log(len(power_ratio)) c_list.append([-1 * spectral_entropy]) return np.array(c_list) @property def repr_body(self) -> Dict: return dict( super().repr_body, **{ 'power_ratio': [...], 'sampling_rate': self.sampling_rate, 'order': self.order, 'band_dict': {...}, })
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