
Source code for torcheeg.models.cnn.sst_emotion_net

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

[docs]class SSTEmotionNet(nn.Module): r''' Spatial-Spectral-Temporal based Attention 3D Dense Network (SST-EmotionNet) for EEG emotion recognition. For more details, please refer to the following information. - Paper: Jia Z, Lin Y, Cai X, et al. Sst-emotionnet: Spatial-spectral-temporal based attention 3d dense network for eeg emotion recognition[C]//Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. 2020: 2909-2917. - URL: - Related Project: - Related Project: Below is a recommended suite for use in emotion recognition tasks: .. code-block:: python from torcheeg.datasets import DEAPDataset from torcheeg import transforms from torcheeg.datasets.constants import DEAP_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT from torcheeg.models import SSTEmotionNet from import DataLoader dataset = DEAPDataset(root_path='./data_preprocessed_python', offline_transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.BaselineRemoval(), transforms.Concatenate([ transforms.Compose([ transforms.BandDifferentialEntropy(sampling_rate=128), transforms.MeanStdNormalize() ]), transforms.Compose([ transforms.Downsample(num_points=32), transforms.MinMaxNormalize() ]) ]), transforms.ToInterpolatedGrid(DEAP_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT) ]), online_transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Resize((16, 16)) ]), label_transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.Select('valence'), transforms.Binary(5.0), ])) model = SSTEmotionNet(temporal_in_channels=32, spectral_in_channels=4, grid_size=(16, 16), num_classes=2) x, y = next(iter(DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64))) model(x) Args: grid_size (tuple): Spatial dimensions of grid-like EEG representation. (default: :obj:`(16, 16)`) spectral_in_channels (int): How many 2D maps are stacked in the 3D spatial-spectral representation. (default: :obj:`5`) temporal_in_channels (int): How many 2D maps are stacked in the 3D spatial-temporal representation. (default: :obj:`25`) spectral_depth (int): The number of layers in spatial-spectral stream. (default: :obj:`16`) temporal_depth (int): The number of layers in spatial-temporal stream. (default: :obj:`22`) spectral_growth_rate (int): The growth rate of spatial-spectral stream. (default: :obj:`12`) temporal_growth_rate (int): The growth rate of spatial-temporal stream. (default: :obj:`24`) num_dense_block (int): The number of A3DBs to add to end (default: :obj:`3`) hid_channels (int): The basic hidden channels in the network blocks. (default: :obj:`50`) densenet_dropout (int): Probability of an element to be zeroed in the dropout layers from densenet blocks. (default: :obj:`0.0`) task_dropout (int): Probability of an element to be zeroed in the dropout layers from task-specific classification blocks. (default: :obj:`0.0`) num_classes (int): The number of classes to predict. (default: :obj:`2`) ''' def __init__(self, grid_size: Tuple[int, int] = (32, 32), spectral_in_channels: int = 5, temporal_in_channels: int = 25, spectral_depth: int = 16, temporal_depth: int = 22, spectral_growth_rate: int = 12, temporal_growth_rate: int = 24, num_dense_block: int = 3, hid_channels: int = 50, densenet_dropout: float = 0.0, task_dropout: float = 0.0, num_classes: int = 3): super(SSTEmotionNet, self).__init__() self.grid_size = grid_size self.spectral_in_channels = spectral_in_channels self.temporal_in_channels = temporal_in_channels self.spectral_depth = spectral_depth self.spectral_growth_rate = spectral_growth_rate self.temporal_growth_rate = temporal_growth_rate self.num_dense_block = num_dense_block self.hid_channels = hid_channels self.densenet_dropout = densenet_dropout self.task_dropout = task_dropout self.num_classes = num_classes assert grid_size[0] >= 16 and grid_size[ 1] >= 16, 'The height and width of the grid must be greater than or equal to 16. Please upsample the EEG grid.' self.spatial_spectral = DenseNet3D(grid_size=grid_size, in_channels=spectral_in_channels, depth=spectral_depth, num_dense_block=num_dense_block, growth_rate=spectral_growth_rate, reduction=0.5, bottleneck=True, dropout=densenet_dropout) self.spatial_temporal = DenseNet3D(grid_size=grid_size, in_channels=temporal_in_channels, depth=temporal_depth, num_dense_block=num_dense_block, growth_rate=temporal_growth_rate, bottleneck=True, subsample_initial_block=True, dropout=densenet_dropout) layers = [] spectral_out, temporal_out = self.get_feature_dims() layers.append(nn.Linear(spectral_out + temporal_out, hid_channels)) layers.append(nn.Dropout(p=task_dropout)) layers.append(nn.Linear(hid_channels, num_classes)) self.layers = nn.ModuleList(layers) def get_feature_dims(self): mock_eeg_s = torch.randn(2, self.grid_size[0], self.grid_size[1], self.spectral_in_channels) mock_eeg_t = torch.randn(2, self.grid_size[0], self.grid_size[1], self.temporal_in_channels) spectral_output = self.spatial_spectral(mock_eeg_s) temporal_output = self.spatial_temporal(mock_eeg_t) return spectral_output.shape[1], temporal_output.shape[1]
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): r''' Args: x (torch.Tensor): EEG signal representation, the ideal input shape is :obj:`[n, 30, 16, 16]`. Here, :obj:`n` corresponds to the batch size, :obj:`36` corresponds to the sum of :obj:`spectral_in_channels` (e.g., 5) and :obj:`temporal_in_channels` (e.g., 25), and :obj:`(16, 16)` corresponds to :obj:`grid_size`. It is worth noting that the first :obj:`spectral_in_channels` channels should represent spectral information. Returns: torch.Tensor[number of sample, number of classes]: the predicted probability that the samples belong to the classes. ''' assert x.shape[1] == ( self.spectral_in_channels + self.temporal_in_channels ), f'The input number of channels is {x.shape[1]}, but the expected number of channels is the number of spectral channels {self.spectral_in_channels} plus the number of temporal channels {self.temporal_in_channels}.' spectral_input = x[:, :self.spectral_in_channels] temporal_input = x[:, self.spectral_in_channels:] spectral_input = spectral_input.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) temporal_input = temporal_input.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) spectral_output = self.spatial_spectral(spectral_input) temporal_output = self.spatial_temporal(temporal_input) output =[spectral_output, temporal_output], dim=1) for layer in self.layers: output = layer(output) return output
class DenseNet3D(nn.Module): def __init__( self, grid_size, in_channels, depth=40, num_dense_block=3, growth_rate=12, bottleneck=False, reduction=0.0, dropout=None, subsample_initial_block=False, ): super(DenseNet3D, self).__init__() self.grid_size = grid_size self.in_channels = in_channels if reduction != 0.0: assert reduction <= 1.0 and reduction > 0.0, 'reduction value must lie between 0.0 and 1.0.' assert (depth - 4) % 3 == 0, 'Depth must be 3 N + 4.' count = int((depth - 4) / 3) if bottleneck: count = count // 2 num_layers = [count for _ in range(num_dense_block)] num_filters = 2 * growth_rate compression = 1.0 - reduction if subsample_initial_block: initial_kernel = (5, 5, 3) initial_strides = (2, 2, 1) else: initial_kernel = (3, 3, 1) initial_strides = (1, 1, 1) layers = [] if subsample_initial_block: conv_layer = nn.Conv3d(1, num_filters, initial_kernel, stride=initial_strides, padding=(2, 2, 1), bias=False) else: conv_layer = nn.Conv3d(1, num_filters, initial_kernel, stride=initial_strides, padding=(1, 1, 0), bias=False) layers.append(("conv1", conv_layer)) if subsample_initial_block: layers.append(("batch1", nn.BatchNorm3d(num_filters, eps=1.1e-5))) layers.append(("active1", nn.ReLU())) layers.append(("maxpool", nn.MaxPool3d((2, 2, 2), stride=(2, 2, 2), padding=(0, 0, 1)))) self.conv_layer = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict(layers)) grid_height, grid_width, grid_channels = self.get_feature_dims() layers = [] for block_idx in range(num_dense_block - 1): layers.append( Attention(grid_size=(grid_height, grid_width), in_channels=grid_channels)) layers.append( DenseBlock(num_layers[block_idx], num_filters, growth_rate, bottleneck=bottleneck, dropout=dropout)) num_filters = num_filters + growth_rate * num_layers[block_idx] layers.append( Transition(num_filters, num_filters, compression=compression)) num_filters = int(num_filters * compression) grid_height = int(grid_height / 2) grid_width = int(grid_width / 2) grid_channels = int(grid_channels / 2) layers.append( Attention(grid_size=(grid_height, grid_width), in_channels=grid_channels)) layers.append( DenseBlock(num_layers[block_idx], num_filters, growth_rate, bottleneck=bottleneck, dropout=dropout)) num_filters = num_filters + growth_rate * num_layers[block_idx] self.layers = nn.ModuleList(layers) final_layers = [] final_layers.append(nn.BatchNorm3d(num_filters, eps=1.1e-5)) final_layers.append(nn.ReLU()) final_layers.append( nn.AvgPool3d((grid_height, grid_width, grid_channels))) self.final_layers = nn.ModuleList(final_layers) def get_feature_dims(self): mock_eeg = torch.randn(2, self.grid_size[0], self.grid_size[1], self.in_channels) mock_eeg = mock_eeg.unsqueeze(1) mock_eeg = self.conv_layer(mock_eeg) return mock_eeg.shape[2], mock_eeg.shape[3], mock_eeg.shape[4] def forward(self, x): x = x.unsqueeze(1) x = self.conv_layer(x) for layer in self.layers: x = layer(x) for layer in self.final_layers: x = layer(x) x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1) return x class DenseBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_layers, num_filters, growth_rate, bottleneck=False, dropout=None): super(DenseBlock, self).__init__() layers = [] for i in range(num_layers): convLayer = ConvBlock(num_filters, growth_rate, bottleneck, dropout) num_filters = num_filters + growth_rate layers.append(convLayer) self.layers = nn.ModuleList(layers) def forward(self, x): for layer in self.layers: cb = layer(x) x =[x, cb], dim=1) return x class ConvBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channel, num_filters, bottleneck=False, dropout=None, conv1x1=True): super(ConvBlock, self).__init__() layers = [] layers.append(nn.BatchNorm3d(input_channel, eps=1.1e-5)) layers.append(nn.ReLU()) if bottleneck: inter_channel = num_filters * 4 layers.append( nn.Conv3d(input_channel, inter_channel, (1, 1, 1), padding=0, bias=False)) layers.append(nn.BatchNorm3d(inter_channel, eps=1.1e-5)) layers.append(nn.ReLU()) layers.append( nn.Conv3d(inter_channel, num_filters, (3, 3, 1), padding=(1, 1, 0), bias=False)) if conv1x1: layers.append( nn.Conv3d(num_filters, num_filters, (1, 1, 1), padding=(0, 0, 0), bias=False)) layers.append( nn.Conv3d(num_filters, num_filters, (1, 1, 3), padding=(0, 0, 1), bias=False)) if dropout: layers.append(nn.Dropout(dropout)) self.layers = nn.ModuleList(layers) def forward(self, x): for layer in self.layers: x = layer(x) return x class Transition(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channel, num_filters, compression=1.0): super(Transition, self).__init__() layers = [] layers.append(nn.BatchNorm3d(input_channel, eps=1.1e-5)) layers.append(nn.ReLU()) layers.append( nn.Conv3d(input_channel, int(num_filters * compression), (1, 1, 1), padding=0, bias=False)) layers.append(nn.AvgPool3d((2, 2, 2), stride=(2, 2, 2))) self.layers = nn.ModuleList(layers) def forward(self, x): for layer in self.layers: x = layer(x) return x class Attention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, grid_size, in_channels): super(Attention, self).__init__() num_spatial = int(grid_size[0]) * int(grid_size[1]) self.spatial_pool = nn.AvgPool3d(kernel_size=[1, 1, in_channels]) self.spatail_dense = nn.Linear(num_spatial, num_spatial) self.temporal_pool = nn.AvgPool3d( kernel_size=[grid_size[0], grid_size[1], 1]) self.temporal_dense = nn.Linear(in_channels, in_channels) def forward(self, x): out = x x = torch.mean(x, dim=1) x = x.unsqueeze(1) num_spatial = x.shape[2] * x.shape[3] num_temporal = x.shape[-1] spatial = self.spatial_pool(x) spatial = spatial.view(-1, num_spatial) spatial = self.spatail_dense(spatial) spatial = F.sigmoid(spatial) spatial = spatial.view(x.shape[0], 1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3], 1) out = out * spatial temporal = self.temporal_pool(x) temporal = temporal.view(-1, num_temporal) temporal = self.temporal_dense(temporal) temporal = F.sigmoid(temporal) temporal = temporal.view(x.shape[0], 1, 1, 1, x.shape[-1]) out = out * temporal return out
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