Numpy-based Transforms


class torcheeg.transforms.CWTSpectrum(sampling_rate: int = 250, wavelet: str = 'morl', total_scale: int = 128, contourf: bool = False, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method to convert EEG signals of each channel into spectrograms using wavelet transform.

transform = CWTSpectrum()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 1000))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 128, 1000)

Part of the existing work uses Resize to warp the output spectrum to a specified size suitable for CNN processing.

transform = Compose([
    Resize([260, 260])
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 1000))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 128, 1000)

When contourf is set to True, a spectrogram of filled contours will be generated for each channel and converted to np.ndarray and returned. This option is usually used for single-channel analysis or visualization of a single channel.

transform = CWTSpectrum(contourf=True)
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 1000))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 480, 640, 4)
  • sampling_rate (int) – The sampling period for the frequencies output in Hz. (defualt: 128)

  • wavelet (str) – Wavelet to use. Options include: cgau1, cgau2, cgau3, cgau4, cgau5, cgau6, cgau7, cgau8, cmor, fbsp, gaus1, gaus2 , gaus3, gaus4, gaus5, gaus6, gaus7, gaus8, mexh, morl, shan. (defualt: 'morl')

  • total_scale – (int): The total wavelet scales to use. (defualt: 128)

  • contourf – (bool): Whether to output the np.ndarray corresponding to the image with content of filled contours. (defualt: False)

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The spectrograms based on the wavelet transform for all electrodes. If contourf=False, the output shape is [number of electrodes, total_scale, number of data points]. Otherwise, the output shape is [number of electrodes, height of image, width of image of image, 4], where 4 represents the four channels of the image colors.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, …]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandDifferentialEntropy(frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the differential entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input.

transform = BandDifferentialEntropy()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • frequency (int) – The sample frequency in Hz. (defualt: 128)

  • order (int) – The order of the filter. (defualt: 5)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandPowerSpectralDensity(frequency: int = 128, fft_n: int = 256, num_window: int = 1, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the power spectral density of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input.

transform = BandPowerSpectralDensity()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • frequency (int) – The sample frequency in Hz. (defualt: 128)

  • fft_n (int) – Computes the one-dimensional n-point discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with the efficient Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.

  • num_window (int) – Welch’s method computes an estimate of the power spectral density by dividing the data into non-overlapping segments, where the num_window denotes the number of windows. (defualt: 1)

  • order (int) – The order of the filter. (defualt: 5)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the power spectral density of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The power spectral density of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandMeanAbsoluteDeviation(frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the mean absolute deviation of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input.

transform = BandMeanAbsoluteDeviation()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • frequency (int) – The sample frequency in Hz. (defualt: 128)

  • order (int) – The order of the filter. (defualt: 5)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the mean absolute deviation of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The mean absolute deviation of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandKurtosis(frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the kurtosis of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input.

transform = BandKurtosis()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • frequency (int) – The sample frequency in Hz. (defualt: 128)

  • order (int) – The order of the filter. (defualt: 5)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the kurtosis of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The kurtosis of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandSkewness(frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the skewness of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input.

transform = BandSkewness()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • frequency (int) – The sample frequency in Hz. (defualt: 128)

  • order (int) – The order of the filter. (defualt: 5)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the skewness of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The skewness of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.DWTDecomposition(apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

Splitting the EEG signal from each electrode into two functions using wavelet decomposition.

transform = DWTDecomposition()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 1000))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 500)

apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


EEG signal after wavelet decomposition, where 2 corresponds to the two functions of the wavelet decomposition, and number of data points / 2 represents the length of each component

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, 2, number of data points / 2]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandApproximateEntropy(M: int = 5, R: float = 1.0, frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the approximate entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandApproximateEntropy()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • M (int) – A positive integer represents the length of each compared run of data. (defualt: 5)

  • R (float) – A positive real number specifies a filtering level. (defualt: 5)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandSampleEntropy(M: int = 5, R: float = 1.0, frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the sample entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandSampleEntropy()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • M (int) – A positive integer represents the length of each compared run of data. (defualt: 5)

  • R (float) – A positive real number specifies a filtering level. (defualt: 5)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandSVDEntropy(Tau: int = 1, DE: int = 1, W: Optional[ndarray] = None, frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the SVD entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandSVDEntropy()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • Tau (int) – A positive integer represents the embedding time delay which controls the number of time periods between elements of each of the new column vectors. (defualt: 1)

  • DE (int) – A positive integer represents the ength of the embedding dimension. (defualt: 1)

  • W (np.ndarray, optional) – A list of normalized singular values of the embedding matrix (can be preset for speeding up). (defualt: None)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandDetrendedFluctuationAnalysis(Ave: Optional[float] = None, L: Optional[ndarray] = None, frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandDetrendedFluctuationAnalysis()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • Ave (float, optional) – The average value of the time series. (defualt: None)

  • L (List[np.array]) – Box sizes to partition/slice/segment the integrated sequence into boxes. At least two boxes are needed, and it should be a list of integers in ascending order. (defualt: np.array)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandHiguchiFractalDimension(K_max: int = 6, frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the higuchi fractal dimension (HFD) of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandHiguchiFractalDimension()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • K_max (int) – The max number of new self-similar time series applying Higuchi’s algorithm. (defualt: 6)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandHjorth(D: Optional[ndarray] = None, mode: str = 'mobility', frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the hjorth mobility/complexity of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandHjorth()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • D (np.ndarray, optional) – The first order differential sequence of the time series (can be preset for speeding up). (defualt: None)

  • mode (str) – Options include mobility, complexity, and both, which are used to calculate hjorth mobility, hjorth complexity, and concatenate the two, respectively. (defualt: mobility)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandHurst(frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the hurst exponent of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandHurst()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)

If the output H=0.5,the behavior of the EEG signals is similar to random walk. If H<0.5, the EEG signals cover less “distance” than a random walk, vice verse.

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandPetrosianFractalDimension(D: Optional[ndarray] = None, frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the petrosian fractal dimension (PFD) of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandHiguchiFractalDimension()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • D (np.ndarray, optional) – The first order differential sequence of the time series (can be preset for speeding up). (defualt: None)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandBinPower(frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the power of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandBinPower()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • frequency (int) – The sample frequency in Hz. (defualt: 128)

  • order (int) – The order of the filter. (defualt: 5)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.BandSpectralEntropy(power_ratio: Optional[ndarray] = None, frequency: int = 128, order: int = 5, band_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {'alpha': [8, 14], 'beta': [14, 31], 'gamma': [31, 49], 'theta': [4, 8]}, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method for calculating the spectral entropy of EEG signals in several sub-bands with EEG signals as input. We revised part of the implementation in PyEEG to fit the TorchEEG pipeline.

Please cite the above paper if you use this module.

transform = BandSampleEntropy()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • power_ratio (np.ndarray, optional) – A list of normalized signal power in the set of sub-bands (can be preset for speeding up). (defualt: None)

  • band_dict – (dict): Band name and the critical frequency or frequencies. By default, the differential entropy of the four sub-bands, theta, alpha, beta and gamma, is calculated. (defualt: {...})

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The differential entropy of several sub-bands for all electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of sub-bands]


class torcheeg.transforms.PearsonCorrelation(absolute: bool = False, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method to calculate the correlation coefficients between the EEG signals of different electrodes.

transform = BandSignal()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (1, 32, 32)
  • absolute (bool) – Whether to take the absolute value of the correlation coefficient. (defualt: 128)

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The correlation coefficients between EEG signals of different electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of electrodes]


class torcheeg.transforms.PhaseLockingCorrelation(apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method to calculate the phase locking values between the EEG signals of different electrodes.

transform = BandSignal()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (1, 32, 32)

apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The phase locking values between EEG signals of different electrodes.

Return type

np.ndarray[number of electrodes, number of electrodes]


class torcheeg.transforms.MeanStdNormalize(mean: Optional[ndarray] = None, std: Optional[ndarray] = None, axis: Optional[int] = None, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

Perform z-score normalization on the input data. This class allows the user to define the dimension of normalization and the used statistic.

transform = MeanStdNormalize(axis=0)
# normalize along the first dimension (electrode dimension)
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 128)

transform = MeanStdNormalize(axis=1)
# normalize along the second dimension (temproal dimension)
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 128)
  • mean (np.array, optional) – The mean used in the normalization process, allowing the user to provide mean statistics in np.ndarray format. When statistics are not provided, use the statistics of the current sample for normalization.

  • std (np.array, optional) – The standard deviation used in the normalization process, allowing the user to provide tandard deviation statistics in np.ndarray format. When statistics are not provided, use the statistics of the current sample for normalization.

  • axis (int, optional) – The dimension to normalize, when no dimension is specified, the entire data is normalized.

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals or features.

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The normalized results.

Return type



class torcheeg.transforms.MinMaxNormalize(min: Union[ndarray, None, float] = None, max: Union[ndarray, None, float] = None, axis: Optional[int] = None, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

Perform min-max normalization on the input data. This class allows the user to define the dimension of normalization and the used statistic.

transform = MinMaxNormalize(axis=0)
# normalize along the first dimension (electrode dimension)
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 128)

transform = MinMaxNormalize(axis=1)
# normalize along the second dimension (temproal dimension)
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 128)
  • min (np.array, optional) – The minimum used in the normalization process, allowing the user to provide minimum statistics in np.ndarray format. When statistics are not provided, use the statistics of the current sample for normalization.

  • max (np.array, optional) – The maximum used in the normalization process, allowing the user to provide maximum statistics in np.ndarray format. When statistics are not provided, use the statistics of the current sample for normalization.

  • axis (int, optional) – The dimension to normalize, when no dimension is specified, the entire data is normalized.

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals or features.

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The normalized results.

Return type



class torcheeg.transforms.PickElectrode(pick_list: List[int], apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

Select parts of electrode signals based on a given electrode index list.

transform = PickElectrode(PickElectrode.to_index_list(
    ['FP1', 'AF3', 'F3', 'F7',
     'FC5', 'FC1', 'C3', 'T7',
     'CP5', 'CP1', 'P3', 'P7',
     'PO3','O1', 'FP2', 'AF4',
     'F4', 'F8', 'FC6', 'FC2',
     'C4', 'T8', 'CP6', 'CP2',
     'P4', 'P8', 'PO4', 'O2'], DEAP_CHANNEL_LIST))
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (28, 128)
  • pick_list (np.ndarray) – Selected electrode list. Should consist of integers representing the corresponding electrode indices. to_index_list can be used to obtain an index list when we only know the names of the electrode and not their indices.

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The output signals with the shape of [number of picked electrodes, number of data points].

Return type



class torcheeg.transforms.To2d(apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

Taking the electrode index as the row index and the temporal index as the column index, a two-dimensional EEG signal representation with the size of [number of electrodes, number of data points] is formed. While PyTorch performs convolution on the 2d tensor, an additional channel dimension is required, thus we append an additional dimension.

transform = To2d()
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (1, 32, 128)
__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The transformed results with the shape of [1, number of electrodes, number of data points].

Return type



class torcheeg.transforms.ToGrid(channel_location_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]], apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method to project the EEG signals of different channels onto the grid according to the electrode positions to form a 3D EEG signal representation with the size of [number of data points, width of grid, height of grid]. For the electrode position information, please refer to constants grouped by dataset:

  • datasets.constants.emotion_recognition.deap.DEAP_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT

  • datasets.constants.emotion_recognition.dreamer.DREAMER_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT

  • datasets.constants.emotion_recognition.seed.SEED_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT

transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (128, 9, 9)
  • channel_location_dict (dict) – Electrode location information. Represented in dictionary form, where key corresponds to the electrode name and value corresponds to the row index and column index of the electrode on the grid.

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The projected results with the shape of [number of data points, width of grid, height of grid].

Return type



class torcheeg.transforms.ToInterpolatedGrid(channel_location_dict: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]], apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

A transform method to project the EEG signals of different channels onto the grid according to the electrode positions to form a 3D EEG signal representation with the size of [number of data points, width of grid, height of grid]. For the electrode position information, please refer to constants grouped by dataset:

  • datasets.constants.emotion_recognition.deap.DEAP_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT

  • datasets.constants.emotion_recognition.dreamer.DREAMER_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT

  • datasets.constants.emotion_recognition.seed.SEED_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT

transform = ToInterpolatedGrid(DEAP_CHANNEL_LOCATION_DICT)
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (128, 9, 9)

Especially, missing values on the grid are supplemented using cubic interpolation

  • channel_location_dict (dict) – Electrode location information. Represented in dictionary form, where key corresponds to the electrode name and value corresponds to the row index and column index of the electrode on the grid.

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The projected results with the shape of [number of data points, width of grid, height of grid].

Return type



class torcheeg.transforms.ARRCoefficient(order: int = 4, norm: str = 'biased', apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

Calculate autoregression reflection coefficients on the input data.

transform = ARRCoefficient(order=4)
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 4)
  • order (int) – The order of autoregressive process to be fitted. (defualt: 4)

  • norm (str) – Use a biased or unbiased correlation. (defualt: biased)

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals or features.

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The autoregression reflection coefficients.

Return type

np.ndarray [number of electrodes, order]


class torcheeg.transforms.Concatenate(transforms: Sequence[Callable], axis: int = -1, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

Merge the calculation results of multiple transforms, which are used when feature fusion is required.

transform = Concatenate([
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(32, 128))['eeg'].shape
>>> (32, 8)
  • transforms (list, tuple) – a sequence of transforms.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which the arrays will be joined. If axis is None, arrays are flattened before use (defualt: -1).

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The combined results of multiple transforms.

Return type



class torcheeg.transforms.ChunkConcatenate(transforms: Sequence[Callable], chunk_size: int = 250, overlap: int = 0, apply_to_baseline: bool = False)[source]

Divide the input EEG signal into multiple chunks according to chunk_size and overlap, and then apply transforms to each chunk, and combine the calculation results of all transforms on all chunks. It is used when feature fusion is required.

transform = ChunkConcatenate([
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(64, 1000))['eeg'].shape
>>> (64, 32)

TorchEEG allows feature fusion at multiple scales:

transform = Concatenate([
    overlap=0),  # 4 chunk * 4-dim feature
    overlap=0),  # 2 chunk * 4-dim feature
    BandDifferentialEntropy()  # 1 chunk * 4-dim feature
transform(eeg=np.random.randn(64, 1000))['eeg'].shape
>>> (64, 28) # 4 * 4 + 2 * 4 + 1 * 4
  • transforms (list, tuple) – a sequence of transforms

  • apply_to_baseline – (bool): Whether to act on the baseline signal at the same time, if the baseline is passed in when calling. (defualt: False)

__call__(*args, eeg: ndarray, baseline: Optional[ndarray] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, ndarray][source]
  • eeg (np.ndarray) – The input EEG signals in shape of [number of electrodes, number of data points].

  • baseline (np.ndarray, optional) – The corresponding baseline signal, if apply_to_baseline is set to True and baseline is passed, the baseline signal will be transformed with the same way as the experimental signal.


The combined results of multiple transforms.

Return type
